From little time to more - Listing of opportunities for you

Come spend time with us at WHEP.

1. Get information about a topic you are learning about or exploring. Just stop in - check with Winnie ( or Mikelle ( and they can identify who can help you.

2. Access high caliber sex/gender health education materials. Again, stop in (228, 239) and ask!

3. Spend a session with us at the seminar series - topics are posted on the blog and emails are sent out to the classes. Just RSVP and show up. You can learn about an interesting topic, meet a future mentor, learn about access to clinical shadowing or research.

4. Drop by WHEP and let us know you are interested in community health education outreach. Set up a time to meet with Candace Robertson-James ( and join us as we go out to our partners.
5. Sign up for the Seminar Series elective - join us for the whole series and give us feedback on what you'd like to see in the next series.

6. Sign up to be a Scholar. Set up a time with Drs Kahng ( or Núñez (  to discuss your area of interest and set up a plan of attack to getting it done!

7. Get involved in work study or independent research. We are newly funded with our Philadelphia Ujima and in need of students (English and Spanish speakers) who are interested in children and adults to work with us in the Ujima collaborative. Just stop by and let us know!

8. Join us for the year in your senior year as a Pathway student. Selection time is February of your junior year.

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