October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic violence is a major problem, and effects everyone. Worldwide, 1/3 women are expected to be victims of domestic abuse (That is close to one billion women!). In the United states, an average of three women and one man are murdered by intimate partners everyday. DV is an unnecessary problem that costs the US over 5.8 billion dollars a year in healthcare services to victims.

It is also an issue that begins early on. Children who are in homes with DV are more likely to be in a violent relationship when they are older (as both a victim and a abuser). It is also concerning that 1/5  offemale teens report being in a abusive relationship, and 40% of teen girls know a peer who has been abused in their relationship.

This is not just a problem for the victims, this is everyone problem and there is a good chance that you know someone who has been abused. If you or someone you know has experienced abuse, don't be silent and seek help. (Resources below)

Seeing so many different people, it is likely that physicians are treating patients who are victims of abuse. Screening for DV and knowing what resources patients have available can be the first step in someone seeking help that could saved their life.

 TheHotline.org provides quick resources for identifying domestic violence and what to do if you or a loved one is in a violent relationship. Their number has representatives waiting 24 hours a day. Don't be silent about Domestic Violence!

DV Statistics

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