Dr. Foster giving a seminar on teen health and the Affordable Care Act |
The Affordable Care Act has been on many people's minds as open enrollment closes in just 35 days. In fact our Women's Health Seminar Series last week discussed the topic. But many healthcare providers and potential buyers are still confused as to what it means, who is eligible and who stands to benefit. Philly.com recently posted a great
article giving a doctor's analysis of what the ACA means for her patients. Jill Foster, MD of St. Christopher's Hospital for Children uses real patient examples to paint a picture of who does and who does not benefit from the ACA. However, you will not know for sure if you or your patients can benefit unless you to find out. The healthcare marketplace website,
healthcare.gov has a
plan estimator that allows users to get an idea of what they are eligible for in just a few minutes. Healthcare professionals should encourage all patients who are not covered by private insurance or medicaid to review their options instead of opting out. And if you are someone who is still unsure how the ACA can work for you make sure to visit the website and do some research before the deadline! There are
several resources for contacting individuals to help get enrolled on the healthcare website.
Resources:(Article) A doctor examines how Obamacare could affect her patientsHealthcare.govContact a Healthcare.gov representative or find someone in your area