Today is National Wear Red Day, a campaign developed by the American Heart Association to acknowledge the impact that heart disease has on women. In the United States, heart disease claims the lives of more women than all forms of cancer combined. People are wearing red across the nation to raise awareness, honor those who had, or currently have heart disease; and to celebrate all of the accomplishments made in the last 10 years to reduce the impact of this disease. To name just a few of these triumphs, when compared to just 10 years ago:
- 34% fewer women are dying from heart disease.
- Women have deceased their risk, with 15% fewer smoking and 18% less with high cholesterol.
- More gender specific guidelines have been developed.

Still, about one third of adult women have some form of cardiovascular disease. To bring that number down, it is important that doctors and patients communicate about development risk, lifestyle and prevention. Making more people aware of the high prevalence of this disease and the risks can save lives. Please choose to wear red today for this great cause, but remember any day is a good day to spread the word about heart disease!
Resources from the American Heart Association:
AHA Official Go Red For Women Website 10 Big accomplishments in 10 years About heart disease in women (facts, signs research) Know your riskGet involved!